Clever storage ideas for your home
As the saying goes “a place for everything and everything in its place” makes perfect sense unless of course you are not particularly organised or feel you lack the space to do so.
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Storage Dilemma
Storage space can be an ongoing challenge for most homes these days. Without it, a home can easily become untidy, dysfunctional and unorganised - which can have a negative impact on those living there.
Before you consider, extending, converting or additional space in the form of a garden room, you should really concentrate on the existing footprint of your home. Introducing some clever design to your current spaces can really make a vast difference to the functionality of your home.
Clutter Clearing
However, before you embark on this you should really consider what exactly do you need to store and where. Take time to write down what areas of your home are really letting you down in terms of storage.
Having too much of anything or not using your existing storage space effectively will cause problems. Overtime as our needs evolve, we need our homes to work for us and to suit our current lifestyle. To begin with you must scale down with a major de-cluttering exercise as there is little point in creating new storage space to house stuff you no longer want, use, or intend using.
De-cluttering can be a tiring and overwhelming exercise, so you need to muster us some energy and really get motivated to tackle it.
Clutter Free Zone
Simply break everything down it to bite size chunks and with fresh eyes, take one wardrobe, storage cupboard or perhaps just one room at a time. Aim to find clever storage solutions that will maximise this space and adequately store what you need it to store but will also look great in the process. Taking accurate measurements of the available space and what you need to store will be vital when you consider possible solutions.
Before you take that daunting road trip to your nearest Ikea store, consider some of our storage solutions.
10 Inspiring Storage Ideas For Your Home
- Create storage within storage, by maximising the space within your existing storage for example extra shelving in your wardrobes, hot-press or kitchen cabinets.
- Maximise under stairs storage with easy pull out drawers and accessible closet space, which you can smartly fit-out to suit your specific storage requirements.
- Flooring your attic will create immediate inexpensive storage space. You could also consider storage units to maximise your attic storage space.
- With a vast array of skilled cabinet makers, some customised units to suit your specific requirements will look fantastic spray painted in the colour of your choice.
- Consider furniture that doubles up as storage for example a coffee table or bay window seat with storage space beneath or a corner dining bench with storage.
- Maximising your wall space alcoves by erecting suitable shelving, a bookcase, or custom units.
- Source some sealable storage products to keep items dust free and avail of all under bed and over wardrobe space.
- On trend vintage suitcases stacked in a bedroom can provide extra storage and will look fabulous.
- Reversing the direction of door openings can free up valuable space.
- Large decorative door hooks can be highly functional and look good in the process.
Image Credit: Pinterest
The same process should apply to your garage, shed or utility as by placing as much as possible on the walls will result in freeing up valuable floor space.
Creating “a place for everything” is the easy part, the challenge begins when trying to get everyone in your home to keep “everything in its place” – good luck with this aspect!
If you need some help with clever storage for your home, get in touch with Placelift 01 2548070